W A Warner Communications Company

ATARI, INC., Consumer Division
1195 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086

(C)1978 ATARI, INC. C011402-05

Use your Joystick Controllers with this Game Program(TM).  Be
sure the Controllers are firmly connected to your Video Computer
System(TM).  See your Owner's Manual for details.  Hold the
Controllers with the red button to your upper left towards the
television screen.

NOTE: To prolong the life of your Atari Video Computer System(TM)
and protect the electronic components, the Console unit should
be OFF when inserting a Game Program.


One or two players can become expert gunslingers during these

* In one-player games (Target Shoot), you control the movement
of a gunfighter with the left Joystick Controller.  Practice
target shooting with the moving target that appears on the

* In two-player games (Gunslinger Games), each player controls
the omvement of a gunslinger with a Joystick Controller.  You
score points when your gunslinger shoots your opponent's

NOTE: In all one and two-player games, bullets will ricochet
off the upper and lower playfield boundaries.


Use the Joystick Controller to:

* Move your gunslinger on the screen

* Aim and shoot bullets from the gunslinger's gun

Push the Joystick foward to move the gunslinger up the
screen.  Pull the Joystick towards you to move the gunslinger
down the screen.  To move the gunslinger to the left, move
the Joystick to the left; move the Joystick to the right to
move the gunslinger to the right.

When you want to aim the gunslinger's gun, press the red
Controller button.  Hold the button down while you
control the movement of the gunslinger's arm with your
Joystick Controller.

* Push the Joystick forward to move UP the gunslinger's arm
holding the gun

* Pull the Joystick towards you to move DOWN the gunslinger
arm that is holding the gun.

After you have aimed the gunslinger's arm that holds the gun,
release the button to fire bullets.

NOTE: The player using the left Joystick Controller controls
the gunslinger on the left side of the screen; the right
controller player controls the right gunslinger.


* In one-player games, you score one point each time a
bullet from your gunslinger's gun hits the moving target.
you have 99 seconds to score a maximum of ten points.
The timing clock appears in the upper right corner of the
playfield; the gunslinger's score is in the upper left corner.

* In two-player games you score one point each time a bullet
from your gunslinger's gun hits the opposing gunslinger.  When
a gunslinger is hit, it will sit down and the point appears at
the top of the screen.  The score of the gunslinger from the
left side of the playfield appears in the upper left corner;
the right playfield gunslinger's score appears in the upper
right corner.  The first player to score ten points wins the


In "A" position: Your bullets will disappear in flight if
your gunslinger is shot before your bullets hit a target.

In "B" position: Your bullets will continue in flight even
if your gunslinger is hit before your bullet hits a target.


There are 16 gunslinger and target shooting games in this
Game Program.  Each one presents different variations.  For
a description of each variation, refer to the following code:

Blowaway: Your bullets are more powerful during gunfights
with Blowaway.  You can shoot away pieces of the
protective center object--a Stage Coach, Wall or Cactus--
until it completely disappears.

Cactus: Some gunfights and target shooting games occur with
a Cactus in the center of the playfield.  Bullets cannot
penetrate the Cactus.  Use the Cactus as protection from your
opponent's shots.

Stage Coach: A Stage Coach stands between the two gunslingers
during some games.  Bullets cannot pass through the Stage
Coach, making it ideal for protection against opposing bullets.
In some games, a series of Stage Coaches will MOVE up the
screen between you and your opponents.

Wall: In some games, a wall is located between the two
gunslingers.  These games also feature Blowaway.  Use your
shots to make a hole in the wall and aim at your opponent.

Getaway: During a gunfight with Getaway, each gunslinger can
move immediately after shooting the gun.  Without Getaway,
gunslingers must wait until their bullets disappears off the
screen or hits a target.

Six Shooter: In these gunfights with Six Shooters, each player's
gun only has six bullets in it.  Receive another round of
ammunition when BOTH players have used all six bullets.

Target Shoot: The Target Shoot is a feature of one-player games.
The Target bounces up and down on the screen while you attempt
to make a direct hit.

GUNSLINGER Two-Player Games

This gunfight between two players features a Cactus.

Two players use the Cactus and Getaway to plan their gunfight

A Cactus and Blowaway characterize this two-player gunfight.

Two gunslingers use six Shooters during this gunfight which
features a center Cactus and Blowaway.

A center Stage Coach stands between the two gunslingers during
this game.

Players must take special aim as a series of Stage Coaches MOVE
between the two gunslingers.

This gunfight features a Stage Coach and Blowaway.

A series of Stage Coaches MOVE between the two gunslingers as
they use Blowaway in their playing strategy.

Two gunslingers play with Six Shooters, Blowaway and a series of
MOVING Stage Coaches between them.

The two gunslingers use Six Shooters during this gunfight which
features Blowaway and a center Wall.

Players use Getaway, Blowaway, and a center Wall in their gun
fighting stragety.

The center wall MOVES between the two gunslingers as they play
with Getaway and Blowaway.

One-Player Games

You control one gunslinger on the screen which scores points by
hitting the TARGET Shoot.  A center Cactus is between you and
the Target Shoot.

This target shooting game features a Target Shoot, a center
Cactus and Blowaway.

This game features the Target Shoot and a center Stage Coach.

A series of Stage Coaches MOVE between the gunslinger and the
Target Shoot.  This game also features Blowaway.


Use your Joystick Controllers with this Game Program(TM).
Hold the Controller with the red button to your upper left,
towards the television screen.

		|         GUNSLINGER          | TARGET SHOOT  |
		|          2-Player           |   1-Player    |            
Game Number	|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16|
Blowaway	| | |X|X| | |X|X|X| X | X | X |   | X |   | X |
Getaway		| |X| | | | | | | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Six Shooter	| | | |X| | | | |X| X |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Cactus		|X|X|X|X| | | | | |   |   |   | X | X |   |   |
Stage Coach	| | | | |X|X|X|X|X|   |   |   |   |   | X | X |
Wall		| | | | | | | | | | X | X | X |   |   |   |   |
Moving Barrier	| | | | | |X| |X|X|   | X | X |   |   | X | X |

This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, �1997-1998 by Greg Chance