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i: want to finish this game



OK, working back now on "i". That's the name of the game. For those of you who don't know, I started "i" way back in 2006. Then I went and did GoSub and other things then forgot about it. I resurrected the game briefly in July of last year, and resurrected it again a few days ago. This I figured will be a lot easier to program than a Super Mario 64 port for the VCS. Ha! It's about the same! The troubles are with the playfield lines and having enough cycles to support them. When I get angry when the stupid thing isn't doing what I tell it to, I start listening to Nine Inch Nails' "The Downward Spiral." Then, eventually things work out (except for a few times where I've given up.) and I can move along with the project. This involves sitting at the computer for hours at a time, maybe 2-4 hours. I used to do this on a horrible wooden chair and my butt hurt. Now I have a comfy chair I got when my dad moved and was getting rid of stuff. (I also got his accordion, but that's a whole different story.) Well, anyway, not to digress too much, things weren't working out, but in the end, I upped the amount of cycles I had left in screen 7. I guess you have to turn them on and off in such a way that it doesn't use up too many cycles. I'm using "set debug cyclescore" but I want to add in which items you have for the score instead of numbers. I'll do that towards the end, when I'm sure I have enough cycles and things (supposedly) work OK on real hardware. I'd get myself a Harmony or whatever, but trouble is I don't do that much 2600 homebrewing any more (that is, until about a week ago.) I want to make this have a part number of #cx26200. The last one was cx26192, so I just figured why not start at 200 for a semi-clean slate. A brief description of the game is this: You are a lowercase i (hence the game's title) and you go around killing enemies by throwing your dot around. I have a habit of starting games from cartoons I draw. I bet this one came from one I did where this lowercase x goes up to a lowercase i in a bar and says "Nice dot." Insecticide started from a cartoon too. Anyway, if you get stuck, you can find a guide (as well as the very latest build) here: http://www.atari2600land.com/i/ I also made an end label in case the game gets finished and sold. Here it is. I thought it's interesting and I bet it's the only game title that is displayed this way on an end label. What's funny about this is that the game takes up more space than the end label picture!


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