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Case Sensitivity



A few days ago I added case insensitivity to TurboForth. When you are working on a real TI, you tend to engage the Alpha Lock key and leave the keyboard in upper case mode. However, if using via emulation then you normally have your caps lock switched off (in lower case). It always annoyed me that the system couldn't recognise load but could recognise LOAD. I mean, it's the same word!!


So, I finally added the code so that it doesn't matter anymore. Basically, as text is entered from the keyboard or compiled it is converted to upper case (except stuff in strings) so it doesn't matter any more.


Anway, another day, another "Hmmm" moment. I decided I would add a switch to make it selectable. So you the system can be case sensitive if you want it to be.


I added a variable called CSEN. Write TRUE to CSEN, as in:




and your system is case sensitive. Write a false and it isn't. The default is false.


There. Sorted!


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