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The pipe gfx is "hard-coded" right in the display kernal...



;2nd bank...
lda	#$74			; 2
sta	COLUP0		  ; 3
sta	COLUP1		  ; 3
lda	#$c4			; 2 color of top pipes $FAEB






;1st bank...
;drawing top pipe area:
dex					; 2
bpl	Lb045		   ; 2³
sta	RESP1		   ; 3
sta	WSYNC		   ; 3
sta	HMOVE		   ; 3
ldx	#$e0			; 2 top lines gfx $B04F
sta	WSYNC		   ; 3
stx	PF0			 ; 3
ldx	#$0c			; 2
jsr	Lb3dc		   ; 6
sta	HMCLR		   ; 3
lda	($b0),y		 ; 5
and	($b4),y		 ; 5
ldx	#$60			; 2 middle lines gfx $B060
sta	WSYNC		   ; 3
sta	GRP0			; 3
stx	PF0			 ; 3
lda	($c5),y		 ; 5
and	($cd),y		 ; 5
sta	GRP1			; 3
lda	($a1),y		 ; 5
sta	ENAM0		   ; 3
lda	($a3),y		 ; 5
sta	ENAM1		   ; 3
iny					; 2
ldx	#$06			; 2
jsr	Lb3f3		   ; 6
lda	($b0),y		 ; 5
and	($b4),y		 ; 5
ldx	#$70			; 2 bottom lines gfx $B080





;drawing bottom pipe area:
sta	HMCLR		   ; 3
lda	$f9			 ; 3
sta	COLUPF		  ; 3
lda	($b2),y		 ; 5
and	($b6),y		 ; 5
ldx	#$c0			; 2
sta	WSYNC		   ; 3
sta	GRP0			; 3
stx	PF2			 ; 3
lda	($cb),y		 ; 5
and	($d3),y		 ; 5
sta	GRP1			; 3
lda	($ba),y		 ; 5
sta	COLUP0		  ; 3
iny					; 2
ldx	#$06			; 2
jsr	Lb469		   ; 6
lda	($b2),y		 ; 5
and	($b6),y		 ; 5
ldx	#$00			; 2
sta	WSYNC		   ; 3
sta	GRP0			; 3
stx	PF2			 ; 3
lda	($cb),y		 ; 5
and	($d3),y		 ; 5
sta	GRP1			; 3
lda	($a1),y		 ; 5
sta	ENAM0		   ; 3
lda	($a3),y		 ; 5
sta	ENAM1		   ; 3
iny					; 2
lda	#$c4			; 2 Color bottom pipes $B36E
sta	COLUPF		  ; 3
ldx	#$0e			; 2
jsr	Lb480		   ; 6
lda	($b2),y		 ; 5
and	($b6),y		 ; 5
ldx	#$70			; 2 bottom pipes gfx $B37B




I can't remember who made this disassembly...but it looks like it was being converted to 16k. The addresses shown above should coincide with the 8k game.


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Have at it. I'm retired.

*at least as far as looking at this one goes :P

The addresses listed are correct.


HOM = 004f ; enter the value you want to use for the top lines of the upper pipes.

Original value = #$E0

GFX = 11100000

What you see onscreen for PF0 = "-xxx"


HOM = 0060 ; "" middle lines of the upper pipes.

Original value = #$60

GFX = 011000000

What you see onscreen for PF0 = "-xx-"


HOM = 0080 ; "" bottom lines of the upper pipes.

Original value = #$70

GFX = 11100000

What you see onscreen for PF0 = "xxx-"


HOM = 037b ; value used for the lower pipes.

Original value = #$70

GFX = 11100000

What you see onscreen for PF0 = "xxx-"


HOM = 1aeb ; value used for the upper pipes color.

Original value = #$C4

Color = Green


HOM = 036e ; value used for the lower pipes color.

Original value = #$C4

Color = Green


I dunno how to explain it any clearer if you don't want to at least look at the disassembly.

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Have at it. I'm retired.

*at least as far as looking at this one goes :P

The addresses listed are correct.



I wasn't sure what I was looking at but your second post made it plain.


What you see onscreen for PF0 = "-xxx"


I have tried to work with the disassembly for various games and I can make the changes but then I can't get it converted back to a BIN. I think I am allergic to DOS.

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I also want to change the lives for Player 1 and 2 to zero with no extra lives awarded. Am I looking in the right area?


lda	$9d			 ; 3
beq	Lfddd		   ; 2³
lda	#<Space		 ; 2 blank space gfx...low byte
sta	$97			 ; 3 reset all 6 pointers to be blank
sta	$95			 ; 3
sta	$93			 ; 3
sta	$91			 ; 3
sta	$8f			 ; 3
sta	$8d			 ; 3
ldy	$87,x		   ; 4 get # of lives left for this player...bit 0 doesn't apply
ldx	#$0c			; 2 set pointer counter to 6 (characters) x2 (bytes each)
lda	#<Reserve	   ; 2 Mario head gfx...low byte
bne	Lfdd5		   ; 2³ always branch (to the starting position)

sta	$8d,x		   ; 4 reset pointer to the head gfx
dey					; 2 reduce temp value (# of lives remaining)
Lfdd5:;Start here
;NOTE: bit 0 isn't used to store the value of # of lives left...
;	  so each pass through the loop checks for a minimum value of 2 (instead of 1)
cpy	#$02			; 2  Is Y a value of 2?
bcc	Lfddd		   ; 2³ branch if less (i.e. ran out of lives to display)
dex					; 2  ...otherwise, reduce to the next position & branch back up
dex					; 2
bpl	Lfdd2		   ; 2³
rts					; 6

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No, that area is only printing what the life counter already holds...you want to edit where the life counter itself is set/adjusted.



The starting number of lives is set here:

	ldx	#$03			; 2
lda	$80			 ; 3
and	#$04			; 2
bne	Lf22e		   ; 2³
ldx	#$05			; 2
stx	$87			 ; 3

$80 holds the game variations (numbered 0 to 7). The 1st 4 use 5 lives, the next 4 use only 3.

X is given a value of 3 (lives) at the top, and a bit test is done to the game variations to check if it should use 5 instead. So in both cases, you'd want to load X with a value of 1.

These 2 spots are at $1225 and $122D in HOM. Edit them to hold only the rightmost bit instead of 2 bits.




You also want to skip bumping up the number of lives...

	inc	$87,x		   ; 6
lda	#$0f			; 2
bne	Lfe28		   ; 2³


Change $1E1D and $1E1E to value $EA (replacing INC $87,x with 2 NOP's)...by using bitpattern XXX-X-X- in HOM.

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The pipe gfx is "hard-coded" right in the display kernal...



I can't remember who made this disassembly...but it looks like it was being converted to 16k. The addresses shown above should coincide with the 8k game.


I paid supercat to convert it to F6 last year so I had enough space to add my end screen on Smurfs Arcade Action. When I wanted to change the pipes, I just removed them all together. Hope this helps.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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