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The final product


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I'm through working on this game. It's better now, but still has a bug or two that I no longer have the patience to try and fix.


Improvements from what I posted a couple of days ago:

-Enemy light cycles now include a light cycle sprite, instead of just showing the light wall.

-Timer in grid spider game cut to make it harder to play. Score increases when you kill a spider.

-You usually can make it to level 2 after clearing all 4 games in level 1, and even usually get to level 3.



-The light cycle game can mess with your life counter when you win or lose.

-It happens rarely, but in the tank game and grid spiders game, the missile you fire might just pass through an enemy.


Anyway, that's about it. The main menu in each level changes, just like in the arcade game, so that if you go up for example, on the first level you'll get the tank game, but the second level will get you a different game if you go up. Also, just like in the arcade game, when you complete a game, you can't play it again until you advance a level.


And for the heck of it. When the game first starts: 1C PP = 1 Coin Per Player; C 0 = Coins 0


I'll post the source code, but any of you who haven't looked at any of my code before will run for the hills when you see it :D. It's not the neatest and this is a pretty big program. I started making notes but decided, what's the point? I'll post everything anyway and if somebody actually wants to make an improvement or two but has no idea what the heck I was thinking, or is just confused by my sloppy programming :ponder:, go ahead and ask, and I shall answer.


Edited to add - While in the main menu, if you press the Start button it will add more lives. You can have a maximum of 6 I believe.




Edited by jbs30000
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This is awesome in so many ways!


Here is the critique. Please take with grain of salt because is way obvious you spent lots and lots of time getting this to look so good:


I really like light cycles although is kind of too easy compared to arcade version (but doing AI with limitations of 2600 and bB is *hard*. My favorite is tanks. Spiders has trouble with collision detection with bullets. MCP cone was better in last version (although not as pretty) because it was harder and less flickery (for some reason I didn't shoot very much and made it through easily).


A+ on closeness to arcade version on 2600!

A+ on use of colors. Wow and wow!


Good stuff!

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Wow, thank you. I'm glad you like it.


The light cycle game was the hardest for me. I had the HARDEST time working on an AI routine that would get the enemy cycles to see which direction they could go without crashing. Once I figured it out, I just went with it. So yeah, the only AI the light cycles have is trying not to crash.


The tank game is my favorite too. The AI is a little more advanced with them because if you come to close to them, they will chase you. A weakness however, is that they only have one missile between the three of them.


I didn't give the spiders any AI because they don't seem to have it in the arcade game. I just call the random number generator and depending on the output, move them up, down, left, or right.


The cone game can use a lot of work. The walls don't come down with the rotating blocks, and you can move the player right under them after they stop dropping and shoot them all, or almost all, so it isn't much of a challenge.


Anyway, thank you for the post, I appreciate it.

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