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2600 games on the 7800 ?


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Ok, I'm SERIUOSLY thinking about getting a 7800....just waiting for the right deal....

I've heard a lot about some 2600 games not working on the 7800. Since my room is limited....I'll probably put said 7800 in place of my 2600 and play both on it.

Is there a list of (2600) games known not to work somewhere? I seem to remember Kool Aid man doesnt work (no loss there! I only played it to test it when I got it and havent touched it since!)



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Kool Aid Man

Robot Tank and Decathlon supposedly have issues, although I've never run into them.

Space Shuttle doesn't work, since there's no B/W switch (pause takes over for that, but doesn't work the same).

Starmaster requires you to use the difficulty switches instead of the b/w switch to switch screens ingame.

Also, if I recall, Imagic, and Activision carts don't fit well in the system without some coaxing. I don't think Tigervision ones fit in at all.

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This should answer the question:





In short, all but an extremely small number of 2600 games work fine on the 7800. Most of the ones that don't work are some of the more "advanced" Activision games. (That said... Pitfall 2 works on my 7800 but NOT on my 2600!)

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I am always amazed at how much info is here on the site. Most people probably don't pore over it as obsessively as I do... :ponder:


I only know that stuff is there because for some reason I spent a couple months poring over all of the minutiae in the archives here before I ever ventured into the forusm.

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I don't think Tigervision ones fit in at all.


I found that out the hard way. After stumbling across a copy of Threshold I was so excited to play it until it wouldn't go ito my 7800. I can't even tell why. And lucky me, the power adapter on my 2600jr. went out so I still can't play Threshold :_( Other than that and some Imagic carts, I haven't had much of a problem.

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Well, I still say it can't be all 7800s.


So far I haven't found any games that my 7800 can't play. I don't have a supercharger and can't verify that, but I know that Pitfall2, Robot Tank, Shuttle, and Decathalon all work just dandy in my 7800. As for Tigervision carts, yeah, they won't fit in all the way. But a pair of nail clippers took care of that. I know god forbid the thought!!! Hey, I just slightly modified the cart so that it would fit into the 7800 all the way to play the game.


I think most of these reports about many of the games not working aren't the fault of the 7800, but have to be something else. Most of the carts to have problems were Activision carts. I know that Activision did use some odd bank switching in the games listed to not work. And we know that clipping off a cap and I think a resistor in the 7800 will make those games work on those 7800s that won't play them. But in other cases, I have simply found that the 7800s cart connector will wear out much quicker and easier than the older 2600 cart connectors. Activison games by nature of their make are made on thinner PCBs. You can practically see the difference. That would mean that on a slightly worn out 7800 cart connector, that those games made on the thinner PCBs wouldn't make nearly as good a contact as the thicker Atari made ones.


Just something to think about. Try reforming the pins on the 7800 cart connector towards the center a bit and see if you can't improve the game compatibility of your 7800 a bit. Course I can take absolutely NO responsibility if your fry yourself, your 7800, or any games in the process.


Have a Nice Day!



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Zylon I know the rev boards your talking about. I also know what the FAQ says. I am telling you that I think many of the boards tested in the FAQ simply weren't making good contact with the carts they were being tested with. Chad did find the circuit causing the FE games to not work and also discovered it wasn't really needed. Because as far as I know that circuit was added to allow 2600 dark chambers to work on the 7800. Except I have problems with that also, because my 7800 doesn't have that circuit being an original 84 made model, and yet 2600 and 7800 Dark Chambers both work on my 7800.


I just find too many inconsistencies with the testing on the 7800 boards. But then, we also know of some games like Centipede I believe that won't work in some model 2600s...or have glitches between those different models as well.


My point is that I basically get pissed off when I see the 7800 spoken in a negative manner when it comes to compatibility. I simply haven't found any games that my 7800 won't play and I have tested another 7800 that did have the circuit on it that Chad says to clip..and believe it or not..that puppy still played Robot Tank and Shuttle and never had the cap clipped on it. So I guess 7800s are just picky bastards when it comes to compatibility. I guess I am a lucky one then?


More investigation is needed before an FAQ on it becomes the bible for it.


:ponder: :x

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