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Atari 7800 Q*Bert Prototype Revealed!


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Qbert7800.jpgWe're pleased to announce the revelation of another long-lost Atari prototype, this time featuring a game for the 7800: Q*bert! Parker Brothers, who owned the rights to publish game console and home computers versions of Q*bert, licensed Q*bert to Atari for use on the 2600 as well as for the 7800. Until now, no proof had ever surfaced that any development for a 7800 version of Q*bert had commenced, much less having reached a state where the game was playable. Thanks to the efforts of several classic gaming enthusiasts, we're now able to share with you this new 7800 prototype. Curt Vendel of AtariMuseum.com discovered the source code to Q*bert earlier this year, in a batch of printouts he acquired from an ex-Atari employee. He then passed along these printouts to Ken Van Mersbergen, who scanned in the source and got it compiling. And finally, Ken Siders polished the binary a bit to remove some obvious bugs and make the game playable. To download the binary and view some screenshots, please have a look here.


I have also attached the binary to this message. Enjoy!




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Boy... it sure is ashame I don't have a emulator on this mac here to try it out. hmmm


A new version of MESS was released for OS X recently, and it actually works quite well! However, it does not take screenshots properly, so I had to use the Windows version to take the screenshots that I posted here. Having decent 7800 emulation under OS X makes me happy!



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First though: April Fools. Hey, there's a binary, I can download it. Hmm, 32K, and in a hex editor it looks real. Okay, so it doesn't have an A78 header, but the one off of Joust was handy.


Holy crap. Folks, either someone has been HARD at work making an April Fool's joke, or this is the real thing. It actually plays! I died on the second level.

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If this is real I'd like to see Curt and Ken give us some more background as to how they came to find this awesome game and if they know what the CX-designation was for this title.


The April Fools joke may be that, if this is 110% legitimate as it seems it is, that they held on to this until April Fools day to confuse people even more, and the April 1 release its self is the April Fools Joke. Got it?

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Told ya it was some sort of elaborate april fools joke. My guess is Ken or someone has been working on a Q-Bert 7800 game and instead of posting a "work in progress" thread they turned it into a goodass april fools. If it were real Curt and Ken would be making a great bit of hype about it on their sites, etc.


Good job Al! :D

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Oh dammit. I just tried it on my Cuttle cart II and it just says April Fools. Dammit I wish this was real. Well you got us good.



So how does that explain why it runs in every emulator?


I was just joking. It might say it somewhere in the game but I haven't found it yet. It is fantastic though. Nice job.



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