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Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. Okay thanks man and dont worry about the post its cool I am working on it now.
  2. After looking at your code the way that you did everything makes alot of sense and I can kind of figure it out. But since I dont want to rip it off I have been trying to make my code similar to it but I have run into a wall now all I get is the following error and it will not compile. ---------- Capture Output ---------- > "C:\Atari2600\bB\2600bas.bat" C:\Atari2600\bB\samples\NERDSTest (80) Error: Unknown collision type: (missile0,player2) Compilation failed. > Terminated with exit code 0. Here is the code. It has a few comments/ question in it that i have made as I went along with things that I dont understand. rem |*BILLY$CLINT*| code use from Crimson Editor for the base of my game rem 04.14.07 rem okay first what are the number for I cant figure that out for example rem "20 COLUPF = 90:missile0height=4:missile0y=255" why does this line start with 20? 1 set smartbranching on 2 set kernel multisprite COLUBK=64 : rem background color COLUP0=46 : rem not know 10 player1x = 40 : player1y = 40: player0x = 50 : player0y = 50: player2x = 45 : player2y = 20 COLUPF = 90:missile0height=4:missile0y=255 25 score=10000 : rem score amount 30 COLUP0 = 120 : rem player color 35 COLUP1 = 14 : rem badguy color 40 scorecolor = 10:NUSIZ0=128 : rem this is the score color but not sure what NUSIZ0 is? player0: : rem this is the player %01000010 %11111111 %11111111 %01111110 %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 end player1: : rem this is the bad guy %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 %11100111 %10100101 %10011001 %00100100 end player2: : rem this is suppose to be another bad guy %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 %00000000 end 47 a = a + 1 : if a < 2 then 55 49 a = 0 50 if player1y < player0y then player1y = player1y + 1 : rem I think this is the A.I for the Bad guys 51 if player1y > player0y then player1y = player1y - 1 52 if player1x < player0x then player1x = player1x + 1 53 if player1x > player0x then player1x = player1x - 1 54 player1x = player1x : player1y = player1y :rem not sure what this is 55 if missile0y>240 then 58 57 missile0y=missile0y-2:goto 59 58 if joy0fire then missile0y=player0y-2:missile0x=player0x+4 :rem I think this fires and draws the missles 59 drawscreen 60 if collision(missile0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255 61 if collision(missile0,player2) then score=score+1:player2x=rand/2:player2y=0:missile0y=255 :rem this is the player and the Bad Guy collision 65 if collision(player0,player1) then score=score-1 66 if collision(player0,player2) then score=score-1 70 if joy0up then player0y = player0y - 1 : rem this is the joy pad momement 80 if joy0down then player0y = player0y + 1 100 if joy0left then player0x = player0x - 1 120 if joy0right then player0x = player0x + 1 140 goto 30
  3. I think I found the Bug is it that you can get like a million points by shooting at the left hand side of the screen?
  4. Yes I did and I did read the part in there about the multiple sprite and there is some information about how to use it but there where no examples. I am looking now at some examples that are using multi-sprites so i am going to take a look at them and see if I can not break the code down and figure out what they did to get it to work.
  5. Okay I am working on the following code that comes with bB trying to get a player and then 5 sprites that the player has to battle. But at the present point in time I can only get two sprites to display, the player and the bad guys. I was reading the manual and it mentioned something about the multisprite kernel but I am not sure how to use it or where to access it from. Is there any one that can let me in on the secret. Currently I am using windows XP service pack 2 and I am running the Crimson Editor 3.70 and bB 1.0. I tried the bleeding edge build but it did not work, i keep getting compile errors so I switched back to the normal version and the following code will compile no problem. I am very new at this and am trying hard to get this so please forgive me if this request for help sounds primitive. Also if you do lend a hand please make comments so that I can see and understand what you did. I want to learn what is going on. set smartbranching on 10 player1x = 40 : player1y = 40: player0x = 50 : player0y = 50 20 COLUPF = 90:missile0height=4:missile0y=255 25 score=10000 30 COLUP0 = 120 35 COLUP1 = 14 40 scorecolor = 10:NUSIZ0=16 45 player0: %01000010 %11111111 %11111111 %01111110 %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 end 46 player1: %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 %11100111 %10100101 %10011001 %00100100 end 47 a = a + 1 : if a < 2 then 55 rem55 49 a = 0 50 if player1y < player0y then player1y = player1y + 1 51 if player1y > player0y then player1y = player1y - 1 52 if player1x < player0x then player1x = player1x + 1 53 if player1x > player0x then player1x = player1x - 1 54 player1x = player1x : player1y = player1y 55 if missile0y>240 then 58 57 missile0y=missile0y-2:goto 59 58 if joy0fire then missile0y=player0y-2:missile0x=player0x+4 59 drawscreen 60 if collision(missile0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255 65 if collision(player0,player1) then score=score-1 70 if joy0up then player0y = player0y - 1 80 if joy0down then player0y = player0y + 1 100 if joy0left then player0x = player0x - 1 120 if joy0right then player0x = player0x + 1 140 goto 30 Thanks |*BILLY$CLINT*|
  6. Ohh SUPER SWEET thanks so much i really apperciate your help.
  7. Okay I got it to work with just the regular one but for the life of me I can not figure out how to get another sprite to turn on. I have been poking around here and after alot of reading I have found that most of the tutorials are not for bB, so does anyone know of any that are just for bB. All I am really looking for is some code that has notes so that I can see just how all this work together. Right now I am at a loss because this is so different that what I am used to( I use Script all the time) so I am kind of lost. Can any one point me in the right direction.
  8. Okay so I have installed everything in the right places but I can not get it to work all I get is, can not open multisprite.asm for reading any ideas on how to fix this?
  9. Ohh sorry about that is there any way that we can get this thread moved. But thanks for the help.
  10. Ohh okay that makes total alot of sense okay. So bB takes some of the work out of it for you. Now is the code the same and or similar for both like for example if i see something that I like but its written for assembly can I use that code as a guide to build my code or are they completely different. Also which is better or, should I say does on do something better than the other? I want to get my game to a rom, that is my final goal so I would like to know in which direction I should go so that I can accomplish this goal.
  11. Okay guys first off let me introduce my self, my name is |*BILLY$CLINT*| and I have been contracted to make a game for the Atari 2600 by Atari2600.com. After reviewing all the material that is on-line I am overwhelmed with the sheer amount of data and have no idea where to start. I have gotten some code to work and setup the various programs need to run and make games run but I have a few questions about some things that I have tried but don't work. For example should the following code work? It does but I have no idea why, after doing some reading I have read that you have to put, processor 6502, at the beginning of your code to get this to work. I have tried to run code that has processor 6502 at the beginning of it but it always fails on me. include div_mul.asm set kernel_options no_blank_lines set romsize 8kSC set smartbranching on const pfres=32 pfclear player0x=10:player0y=7 player0: %11000000 %01100000 %00110001 %00011011 %00001111 %00011111 %00111111 end gameloop COLUP0=15 COLUPF=203 if joy0left then player0x=player0x-1:if player0x<10 then player0x=10 if joy0right then player0x=player0x+1:if player0x>137 then player0x=137 if joy0up then player0y=player0y-1:if player0y<7 then player0y=7 if joy0down then player0y=player0y+1:if player0y>99 then player0y=99 skipjoy if joy0fire then gosub plot drawscreen goto gameloop plot rem convert player position to playfield pixel rem divide by 3 vertically g=(player0y-7)/3 h=(player0x-10)/4 if g=i && j=h then return i=g:j=h pfpixel h g flip return Also any code that has a, ; , in it will not compile. I know that ; is used for comments but why dose this not work. I am very new at this but I am not new to programing or game design. Please forgive me if my question sound basic but I am trying to start out some where. This next part is some code that came with on of the IDE and complies and plays but when I try and change something in it like add another player it errors out on me, sometimes even if I only change on thing. I am in the process of reading ATARI 2600 for Newbies so I think after that I might have a few answers. Thanks in advance for any advice that you can give me on this matter. Ohh yeah one last thing for somer reason in this last block of code will work so again you can see why I am stumped. Becasue it goes nothing with what was in the programing guide. set smartbranching on 10 player1x = 40 : player1y = 40:player0x = 50 : player0y = 50 20 COLUPF = 90:missile0height=4:missile0y=255 25 score=10000 30 COLUP0 = 120 35 COLUP1 = 14 40 scorecolor = 10:NUSIZ0=16 player0:;this is the player %01000010 %11111111 %11111111 %01111110 %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 end 46 player1:;this is the enemy %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 %11100111 %10100101 %10011001 %00100100 end player2:;this is the enemy %00111100 %00011000 %00011000 %00011000 %11100111 %10100101 %10011001 %00100100 end 47 a = a + 1 : if a < 3 then 55 49 a = 0 50 if player1y < player0y then player1y = player1y + 1 51 if player1y > player0y then player1y = player1y - 1 52 if player1x < player0x then player1x = player1x + 1 53 if player1x > player0x then player1x = player1x - 1 player1x = player1x : player1y = player1y if player2y < player0y then player2y = player2y + 1 if player2y > player0y then player2y = player2y - 1 if player2x < player0x then player2x = player2x + 1 if player2x > player0x then player2x = player2x - 1 player2x = player2x : player2y = player2y 54 player1x = player1x : player1y = player1y 55 if missile0y>240 then 58 57 missile0y=missile0y-2:goto 59 58 if joy0fire then missile0y=player0y-2:missile0x=player0x+4 59 drawscreen 60 if collision(missile0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255 if collision(player0,player1) then score=score-1 if collision(missile0,player2) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player2y=0:missile0y=255 65 if collision(player0,player2) then score=score-1 70 if joy0up then player0y = player0y - 1 80 if joy0down then player0y = player0y + 1 100 if joy0left then player0x = player0x - 1 120 if joy0right then player0x = player0x + 1 140 goto 30 BC
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