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swapd0 last won the day on December 8 2018

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  1. I think that this is about the performance that could I get on the Jaguar. I wonder how it moves on a more complex scene, like the two bridges later in the first level.
  2. IMO for trigonometric functions is better to build your own table.
  3. It could be interesting to make a Gouraud-Shaded-Tomb-Raider...
  4. After coding the drawing routines...
  5. There is no need of FPU with OpenLara, there are a bunch of files with fixed point arithmetics, if the game is compiled on a modern platform it uses the floating point version. I need to finish and test it the "rendering command queue", the idea is to "convert" each frame into a set of matrix operations, vertex transformations and mesh drawing commands, then pass this queue to the GPU to do the heavy work.
  6. No, there's a directory named fixed with some classes and functions implemented in fixed point, although in the main src directory the same classes uses floating point.
  7. That code is from the skunk code library and it's in asm, anyway I've removed the tst.l opcode.
  8. It's some "ataribrownart-prefix" version, IIRC 8.2 or something like that.
  9. I'm using -Ofast flag. I've seen that it's the getBuffer function from the skunk board code... so don't worry.
  10. Yes, it's in my TODO list, I want to have two build versions, one with skunk debug code, the other one "naked"
  11. No... Edited: I've added a clear bss routine at the start, and now it works on the emulator. I've uploaded the mega file. Wrong timing...
  12. Probably... maybe I need to fill the RAM with a random value and see what happens in my skunk board.
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