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HSC10 Round 2: Pac-Man


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If you missed round 1 you can still post a score for Jet Boot Jack or wait for one of the 'Catch-Up' rounds!

For round 2 we have some vintage gaming with...


Play the 1982 version (atari/datasoft versions, with or without the animations) take the default options.

Everyone welcome to join in, screenshots optional :)


Bonus games: If you want to bag some extra points we have something old, Sir Pacman and something new (the fantastic) Pac-Man 'Arcade' from tep392. I've put an ATR/Disk Image with the games on here>>> HSC-S10R2-Pac-Man.atr


Bonus points:

Pac-Man - Highest score starting on Key level (option/F4)

Pac-Man - Beat atariksi's HSC record of 340,900

Pac-Man Arcade (2012) - Beat McKong's 105,490



Pac-Man Fandal 1982 ver XEX Atarimania ROM & Instructions [HSC Rating 9]

Pac-Man Arcade Atariage 2012 Arcade Version XEX/BIN [HSC Rating 10

Sir Pac-Man by Martin Day: Fandal XEX



Pac-Man - Standard HSC Scoring (NTSC players get 1pt extra)

Bonus games - probably 3pts for 1st, 2pts for top 5, 1pt for top 10


Round closes Sun 24th Feb 10am


Please add some suggestions to the 'Games List' and take the '2013 Gaming Survey' if you haven't already done so, links below. If anyone needs any help with anything just let me know ;)

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Lots of scores already :)


Just running around without a strategy...

you have legs on your Pac-Man?!! :D


Alright! Just a few quick rounds to get me started on the boards:

Pac-Man '82: 21050 and Pac-Man Arcade '12: 14050


I'm playing NTSC-style this round. Actual cartridges for both games on my XEGS in the living room on the big screen.

Nice :thumbsup:

The good thing with the new Pac-Man Arcade ver is it adjusts the gameplay to make the speed the same on NTSC or PAL systsems (I think) :)

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Lots of scores already :)



you have legs on your Pac-Man?!! :D



Nice :thumbsup:

The good thing with the new Pac-Man Arcade ver is it adjusts the gameplay to make the speed the same on NTSC or PAL systsems (I think) :)


You are right sir. :)


Guess I'll have to play this round. Think I have about 46k saved on my cart from the last time I played. Tried the 82 version and could only get 28k. Those wide horizontal corridors are killing me.

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Managed a better score today: 31210


I never actually played this game before. I learned bit about behaviour of ghosts today, also how to escape (sometimes) from certain situations. :)


Hope to get better on controls of pac-man soon as this seems to be my major problem now. Pac-man (at least the one I have here at home, yes TRBB - the one with legs :grin: ) seems to be very own-minded creature. It does not really care much about my joystick instructions. Left does not mean left to it, it often just goes straight or even backward instead! This become to be an issue especially when the game gets faster :roll:



Edited by jk40001
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...The good thing with the new Pac-Man Arcade ver is it adjusts the gameplay to make the speed the same on NTSC or PAL systsems (I think) :)

You are right sir. :)


Guess I'll have to play this round. Think I have about 46k saved on my cart from the last time I played. Tried the 82 version and could only get 28k. Those wide horizontal corridors are killing me.

Always good to see one of the coders play their game :thumbsup:


I've just started work on my 1st ever M/C game using my newish Mac/65 cart, hopefully will have something for this year's abbuc contest (!) - Question about game speed adjustment - did you make use of the 'PAL indicator' or is it more complex? Would be great for HSC play if other games were like this :cool: (anyone know of any others - did Beef Drop do this?)

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early tables

Pac-Man '1982'

1st McKong 190,730 12pts

2nd tep392 (N) 46,540 12pts

3rd Pengwin 41,250 10pts

4th Caco 33,550 9pts

5th roadrunner (N) 31,750 9pts

6th JK40001 31,210 7pts

7th Mangia-Boy 30,260 6pts

8th Tickled_Pink 26,330 5pts

9th adam242 21,050 4pts

10th NML/32 (N) 15,740 4pts

11th bluecat 11,330 2pts

(N)=includes NTSC players bonus point

Bonus: Key Challenge (start on Key level)

1st McKong 126,120 1pt


Pac-Man 'Arcade Version'

1st tep392 46,430 3pts

2nd adam242 21,500 2pts


Sir Pac-Man

1st Sir Pac-Man 1600pts


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Always good to see one of the coders play their game :thumbsup:


I've just started work on my 1st ever M/C game using my newish Mac/65 cart, hopefully will have something for this year's abbuc contest (!) - Question about game speed adjustment - did you make use of the 'PAL indicator' or is it more complex? Would be great for HSC play if other games were like this :cool: (anyone know of any others - did Beef Drop do this?)


Cool! Looking forward to seeing it. :) I just used the PAL indicator and have a second table of speed values that had been scaled up by 60/50. Nothing complicated.

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