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stephena last won the day on April 7 2019

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About stephena

  • Birthday 02/02/1974

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  • Custom Status
    Stella maintainer
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  • Location
    Newfoundland, Canada
  • Interests
    Computer Programming, Emulation of old/ancient systems

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  1. I think I have this fixed, and will do new uploads tomorrow. There's still a false positive there, but it passes every anti-virus test I've tried.
  2. I've determined this only affects 32-bit builds, not 64-bit. So if you've installed and used only the 64-bit version, you're fine. I'll continue working to fix this. For now, all the Windows builds are pulled.
  3. I've had to pull the Windows builds for 6.7.1, as someone has reported a virus present. It's apparently not a serious virus, but I want to be cautious anyway. I will re-release these when I'm sure my system is virus-free (or I'll find another system to build them on).
  4. There may be a way to slightly speed up peek/poke access in the System class. What kind of budget do we have here? EDIT: Also, the debugger causes some runtime slowdowns. If you relax the requirement for the debugger (which admittedly, is giving up a lot), then the emulation can run faster.
  5. I agree on waiting on the debugger stuff. Much more important to get the cart stuff working completely. If that doesn't work, then the debugger is irrelevant.
  6. Pretty sure when Stella enters the debugger, it attempts to read all 4K of the address space at once, into an internal buffer. There is logic in each of the Cart::bank() methods that checks if we're in 'read-only' mode, and then doesn't do bankswitching if a hotspot is hit. Obviously a real cart isn't going to be doing that, so hotspots that are hit are going to cause an inadvertent bankswitch. EDIT: I bet trying it on a 4K or less, non-banked cart will allow the debugger to function correctly.
  7. I think the FPS shown is the virtual one (close to NTSC or PAL), and not the physical one. So fixing it may be more like adding support for a physical FPS counter. That's if I'm remembering correctly, that is.
  8. The explanation is at the top of the header file: https://github.com/stella-emu/stella/blob/master/src/emucore/CartFE.hxx
  9. There are some buttons that Windows 'traps' and doesn't pass on to apps. If the 'HOME' button is one of those, there's nothing Stella can do; it never actually receives the key press/release event. The triggers should be detected, though. Unless they're analog, and you're trying to assign them to a digital event. I'm not sure what happens in that case.
  10. Look at the very last release in the 4.x series. That one still used the old TIA core. There are 'game-specific hacks' in TIA.cxx for some of the ROMs listed above. I agree that going to 5.x or newer just won't work on this hardware. Cycle-exact emulation has a very real price, needing probably a 500Mhz+ machine to work well.
  11. It does; you just have to enable it in the options. Options -> User Interface -> Launcher -> Display bottom buttons.
  12. Deleted duplicate post. AtariAge has been extremely slow for me since the latest update.
  13. I think the issue is that we've recently moved some files around in the codebase. All external libraries are now in 'src/lib', and platform-specific files are in 'src/os'. The build script for R77 hadn't been updated, so it failed to build. The C++ std::filesystem stuff is a completely separate issue. Actually, I'm working on that in a separate branch, and will merge back to master when I have everything working. But that is unrelated to the problems mentioned in this thread.
  14. Sorry to hear that you're having issues. But at the same time, glad to hear that it is not because of Stella ?
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