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About phattyboombatty

  • Birthday 07/31/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Currently Playing
    Almost always, my Colecovision! Playing Opcode's Pac-Man Collection, CollectorVision's Mario Bros, CBK Adventures in the Park, and Miner 2049er.
  • Playing Next
    Looking very forward to Opcodes' Donkey Kong Arcade!

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Stargunner (7/9)



  1. I’d love to see a pic of the protos when you have a chance. 👍
  2. Can we merge this other heavy sixer thread? I don’t see my serial in the first post of this thread.
  3. Not me. It seems like there are more than one ROM out there.
  4. You’re welcome! I can always dump it again. I use the AtariMax rig to read and dump my ROMs. It’s hard to tell when there is a checksum problem or a bad dump.
  5. Yes! I have noticed this. I thought it was my 10 foot extension cables that introduced this behavior. But I’ve noticed the same thing.
  6. Suuuuuper made my day!! The CollectorVision Club makes dreams come true! Great quality on all three awesome games. Magazine quality is perfect! Thanks guys!
  7. Great information John! Thank you for all of that. I will check out those links and try to flesh out my bulleted list. This looks to be coming a long way in a short time!
  8. After many years, I finally picked up this project again. I bought an Ultimate PC Interface Special ColecoVision Flashback Edition and I have my RPi3. This project needs significantly improved documentation and how-to-ness. Thank you to @OriginalJohn for providing a lot of insight. Here's my quick and dirty. Anyone is welcome to flesh this out and add steps. Download RetroPie hard drive image here and clone to MicroSD card with tools for MacOS or Windows. Open CV Flashback, remove guts. Install UPC board and RPi with RetroPie image. Provide power to your RPi and connect your assemblage to an HDMI or other display. Boot the OS and make important changes, like connecting to your Wifi, updating packages, and enabling SSH (more detail/video needed) Download CoolCV emulator explained in this video. Configure controllers (totally unclear as to how you go back and reconfigure CV controller(s) if you messed it up) I got this far. CoolCV is working, but my stock CV controller is just not configured correctly. I can't escape out of a directory (or up-level) without resetting the Pi. Also needed are the "right" steps to add box art images and choosing the best display/splash screen for dedicated CV emulation use. Lastly, is this a dedicated CV emulator, or is this just a RetroPie build with ALL the emulators? Because the latter is what it seems to me. You can scroll left and right and choose any emulator that you have installed. This whole project has been rather unclear to me, as what I've really built is a shiny bomb casing filled with used pinball machine parts. In other words, another multi-emu system running on an RPi stuck in an old CV Flashback casing. ?
  9. This one does look fun, and I like how it combines some classic gameplay from arcade favorites. The music is almost too charming. ?
  10. I believe the Canadian interpretation of next fall indicates the very next season; the 2022 season. In the US, we would say “this fall” indicating the 2022 season.
  11. Looks like a lot of fun. Cool graphics, very old-school style. Reminds me of a combination of Jungle Hunt and Quest for Quintana Roo. @TPR thanks to your promotion of this, I am now interested. I wish homebrewers could promote their products with videos more often, but I understand the one-person effort that goes into this. I appreciate you helping them out! ??
  12. If the author is listening/reading, is feedback welcome? Have concerns about the musical track. I would prefer something more perilous sounding. Just my two cents. ??️‍♂️
  13. I have a decked out Coleco Adam, and I would love to use for beta testing! My Adam rocks. It’s my main machine since most of my CVs are OOO.
  14. Wow! That is incredibly smooth and fast. Like the arcade game!
  15. Well… My thread certainly has gotten massively derailed. Is there any chance of splitting this off to its own topic? My topic is not about the DDP or Donkey Kong Jr. or how to control it on an Adam.
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