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swlovinist last won the day on April 30 2017

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About swlovinist

  • Birthday 04/07/1976

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    anywhere that is dry
  • Interests
    Obscure games, oddball systems, some serious game collecting.
  • Currently Playing
    Robotron 2084
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    My recent AtariAge order!

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  1. I dont have an issue with a hardware revision that is offered 2-3 years later and is cheaper. The VS is my favorite product so far. I am curious about the Alpha.
  2. Also wanted to ask this: Has the console been tested? Are there any hardware differences internally? Is there a list of games that had the high res backgrounds for the G7400?
  3. Just want to say congrats on your find. O3 Controllers and three protos is quite the score.
  4. I will speak with @darryl1970 on how he would like to proceed on how and where to offer this as a digital rom later this year.
  5. There was a vendor in the play area selling some classic computer stuff. I did see some big box PC games. I know that those items are harder to sell versus the console games that sold more. I love seeing the obscure stuff and older computer and games represented though.
  6. I was there selling my homebrews, but not displayed. There are a decent amount of Atari stuff offered for 2600 and 7800. Not much 8 bit, ST, Jaguar. There was a vendor with a bunch of boxed Lynx games. Atari was represented in the Arcade and free play area.
  7. I was one of the first people to notice the pack in joystick issues. I have not done the above fix but want to mention that the unit is compatible with a wide variety of 3rd party controllers and works great. Is the product perfect? No, but looks to be an easy fix and hopefully they can update the controller built in to be more functional.
  8. Is there a link to the gorilla grit adhesive pads used in this video? Definitely an issue I am having with the controller.
  9. Dont feel bad, as I have many versions of the game available.
  10. In the title I mention the 7800 version and then show that in the video that I share :).
  11. Just wanted to give you a head up that Block'em Sock'em is being brought to the Atari VCS this Friday April 5th. At the time being, the YM soundtrack is not available(TIA only right now), but Atari is looking at that for the future. Even with the Tia soundtrack, this is an excellent version of the game and I am delighted that it can now be offered to those who have a VCS. Price will be $8.99 and wanted to share with you here first. Huge thanks to @darryl1970 for all the hard work he did with this version of the game.
  12. Here is a video I did on this amazing project. I am so happy I got one when I did.
  13. Agree that Atari is not known as much for its music, but there have been some great games that offer wonderful soundtracks with stock sound chips. With that being said, there are more options now with aftermarket support to make 7800 games with better sound epically with YM sound options. The Pokey soundtracks are also solid as well as many games offered on the 8 bit computer lineup. If anything, I think that the 8 bit computer line of games does not get enough recognition for music. Below is an example of what YM sound working on the 2600+ with the most current update.
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