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Propane13 last won the day on July 30 2011

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    Charleston, SC

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  1. I thought this was an amusing story: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/raiders-lost-ark-1982-atari-2600-bill-young-k6nmc/ I never heard about an unsolvable Raiders bug (and I kind of doubt it's existence), but thought I'd share. (Note: I tried the search functionality and didn't see this article anywhere, so please redirect me if this was already posted somewhere)
  2. Hello! Let's say I wanted to draw a 256 x 192 bitmap using the double-wide pixels. What tools do folks currently use for such work? I'm pretty sure things have changed since I did 7800 development, so I was curious what modern solutions people are using. Here's what mode I'm using: lda #%01010000 ; normal color output, turn on DMA, two byte chars, black border sta CTRL ; no Kangaroo output (transparent, not BGColor), mode = 160x2 or 160x4 Thanks!
  3. Reviving this topic since I found French Ballblazer instructions. If memory serves, they were folded in quarter and attached to the back of the original box via shrinkwrap. But, I could be wrong; it was ages ago. Do you need that scanned? Also, for others here, is that how others remember this French instruction book was attached? Maybe it came from one of my quests to get a red-label Ballblazer.
  4. Hey, how is that effort going? Do you have an updated list of unscanned manuals you are looking for?
  5. Apparently, some home console versions (like the NES) show an animation where the monster falls from the sky, and then shows a "Congratulations" screen. I have never played Rampage this long; I was curious if the 7800 release has the same feature as well? How far have people played?
  6. Yo Vinnie-- What's the scoop on Road Riot AWD? I see that the video was taken down from the post, but if there is new info, it's certainly intriguing.
  7. Do any screenshots exist of the Levee Game?
  8. I can't say if this is the same cart, but here is a thread about the incident you reference: Edit: no, this is a different Halloween Cart, GroovyBee's from 2010.
  9. Hey folks, While I usually don't post ebay auctions, I thought I would share this one as it is unique: https://www.ebay.com/itm/335246312826 I don't see this cart go up very often (as this was a very small batch release), so my guess is one of the original owners is cleaning up their collection. If anyone was interested, it's worth a look. Hard to believe this was from 17 years ago.
  10. Yes, I went with the M1. And, the dev system is working flawlessly! It's nice to be able to play all the new 7800 content that I haven't caught up on in a while.
  11. Really long delay on responding, but it appears that sdl2 is still needed for a7800. :a7800 propane13$ ./a7800 dyld[30214]: Library not loaded: @rpath/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2 Referenced from: <5240EEB2-1D6C-3166-A31E-EFD3DDACDE8C> /Users/propane13/fun/7800/bin/a7800/a7800 Reason: tried: '/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2' (no such file, not in dyld cache) Abort trap: 6 I can't say why it's needed, but appears to be a hard dependency for the emulator.
  12. Possible Mission (since the NTSC version released by Atari couldn't be completed).
  13. This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Why is the protagonist in Adventure always nervous when he starts his quest?
  15. Not sure if helpful, but there's a few pictures of a Tank Command manual on this ebay auction (box is fake): - https://www.ebay.com/itm/404598694625 You may be able to contact the seller for better pictures of the manual.
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