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Atari 2600 - Xonox - Standard Label Variation

Xonox - Standard Label Variation
The standard Xonox cartridge is a single-ender as opposed to the double-ender that Xonox also marketed. There is a single label, and the end of the cartridge is beveled down. It is also much wider at this end of the case than the opposite end. Labels are typically blue with game artwork, and the title in red is against a yellow banner. All the Standard case games were also released on Double-Enders.
TitleModel #Label NotesYearCartRarity  TV 
Artillery Duel99004 
Chuck Norris Superkicks99003 
Ghost Manor99002 
Motocross Racer99008 
Sir Lancelot99006 
Tomarc the Barbarian99007 
Robin Hood99005  
Spike's Peak99001 
See Also:Double Ender
Double Ender