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Atari 2600 Hacks

What is a Hack you might ask? In the realm of classic video games and the definition we're using here, a hack is taking an existing game and modifying it in some fashion so that it differs from the original. Almost always this involves just changing the graphics, which is pretty easily done in many games. Some changes are done to make a game more faithful to the original (Space Invaders and Pac-Man seem to get the most attention here), others are done to give a game a different theme entirely and still other hacks, well, we haven't got a clue. And then there are controller hacks that allow you to play games with a different control scheme, or perhaps even using a different controller entirely.

If you'd like to learn more about hacks and how you can hack Atari 2600 games yourself, please visit our Hacks Forum. If you've created a hack and would like it listed here, please feel free to drop us a line. We also have an entire page of 2600 TV Format Conversions.

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TitleOriginal GameAuthorGfxAudFunROMNew 
Ventrra Invaders 2002MegamaniaCharles MorganGraphic Hack   
VectorVadersMegamanianeotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Vector SISpace Invadersneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Vader vs. LukeDodge 'EmBlinkyGraphic Hack   
Undersea AdventureAdventureStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
UFO #6Pepsi InvadersCharles MorganGraphic Hack   
TronmanFast Eddieneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
TP-BugPac-ManCharles MorganGraphic Hack   
Tomb Raider 2600Montezuma's RevengeStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
THX-1138BerzerkKyle PittmanGraphic Hack   
The RockSky Skipperneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Targ ArcadeUniversal ChaosDr. KwackGraphic Hack   
Tanks DXTanks But No TanksCharles MorganGraphic Hack   
Super ZaxxonZaxxonDr. KwackGraphic Hack   
Super Space InvadersPhoenixKing AtariGraphic Hack   
Super Home RunHome RunLarry PetitGraphic Hack   
Super Congo BongoCongo BongoLarry PetitGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Suicide Adventure IIIAdventurePixellated Ghost  Functional Hack 
Suicide Adventure IIAdventurePixellated GhostGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Suicide AdventureAdventurePixellated GhostGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Sub MissionFlash Gordonneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Steroid PitfallPitfall!HCC SoftwareGraphic Hack   
Star Wars: The Battle of AlderaanStar StrikeBarry Laws Jr.Graphic Hack   
Star Wars InvadersSpace InvadersFreddieGraphic Hack   
Star Trek: Journey to Dalo-4Rescue Terra IOutofGasGraphic Hack   
Star Trek VectorStar Trek: Strategic Operations SimulatorDr. KwackGraphic Hack   
Star PatrolStar ShipOutofGasGraphic Hack   
Spy BobKabobberSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Sprintmaster DCSprintmasterThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
SpongeBob SquarePantsRevenge of the Beefsteak TomatoesKyle PittmanGraphic Hack   
Spitfire AttackSpitfire AttackDennis Debro  Functional Hack 
Spice InvadersSpace InvadersPhilip R. FreyGraphic Hack   
Space Invaders InvasionMegamanianeotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Space Invaders DeluxeSpace InvadersNukey ShayGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Space Invaders ArcadeSpace InvadersRob KudlaGraphic HackAudio Hack  
Space InvadersSpace InvadersFranklin CruzGraphic Hack   
Space InvadersSpace InvadersRon CorcoranGraphic Hack   
Space ArmadaSpace Invadersneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Space AcePigs in SpaceDr. KwackGraphic Hack   
Space 2002Space JockeyAngelinoGraphic Hack   
Solaris TrainerSolarisChris Larkin  Functional Hack 
Slot InvadersSlot MachineDavid MarliGraphic Hack   
SI Vector WarsStargateneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
SI PinballMidnight Magicneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
SharkSub Scanneotokeo2001Graphic Hack   
Save SallyDonkey KongOutofGasGraphic Hack   
SadistroidsAsteroidsThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
RygarForestOutofGasGraphic Hack   
ROL OutBreakoutNukey Shay  Functional Hack 
Robot Tank TCRobot TankThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 

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Hack Types:
Graphic Hack Graphic Hack
Audio Hack Audio Hack
Functional Hack Functional Hack