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Atari 2600 Carts

Atari 2600 Cartridge ScansThe Atari 2600 saw more than 500 games released over a period of more than 10 years in North America alone. And of those 500+ games, each title frequently had one or more label variations. That doesn't even take into account the additional hundreds (thousands?) of pirates, clones, and variations found throughout the rest of the world. When you consider all that, the number of different cartridge labels out there is simply staggering.

What we've tried to do is focus on North American games including the major label variations found within. Labels often changed over time as companies developed new logos, newer styles, or they changed their packaging in order to cut costs. We've tried to hit all the highlights, but be sure to contact us if you think we're missing something important.

Some of the label artwork is simply fantastic and it's a shame that the originals are probably long gone. Of special note is some of the artwork from Atari, Sears, Tigervision, and Mythicon. If anyone owns original game artwork, or you know anyone who created original artwork for classic video games, please contact us.

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TitleLabelCompany Profile
Elevators Amiss Self-Published
Encaved Self-Published
Euchre Self-Published
Eurocon2005 Self-Published
Fall Down Self-Published
FlapPing Self-Published
Four-Play Self-Published
Gingerbread Man Self-Published
Go Fish! Self-Published
GoSub Self-Published
Graz2004 Self-Published
Holey Moley Self-Published
Hunchy II Self-Published
INV Self-Published
INV+ Self-Published
JoustPong Self-Published
Krokodile Cartridge Self-Published
Lady Bug Self-Published
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Self-Published
Medieval Mayhem Self-Published
Melbourne Tatty Self-Published
Mental Kombat Self-Published
Okie Dokie Self-Published
Phantom II / Pirate Self-Published
Pick Up Self-Published
Poker Squares Self-Published
Pressure Gauge Self-Published
Rainbow Invaders Self-Published
Raster Fahndung Self-Published
RealSports Basketball Self-Published
Reindeer Rescue Self-Published
Revenge of the Apes Self-Published
Save the Whales Self-Published
SCSIcide Self-Published
SCSIcide Self-Published
SCSIcide PhillyClassic3 Self-Published
Secret Agent Self-Published
Skeleton Self-Published
Skeleton+ Self-Published
Snow White Self-Published
Solar Plexus Self-Published
Space Battle Self-Published
Space Treat Self-Published
Space Treat Deluxe Self-Published
Squish 'Em Self-Published
StickyNotes Cart Self-Published
Strat-O-Gems Deluxe Self-Published
SWOOPS! Self-Published
Sync Self-Published
Synthcart Self-Published
Testcart Self-Published
This Planet Sucks Self-Published
Toyshop Trouble Self-Published
Ultra SCSIcide Self-Published
Vault Assault Self-Published
Vault Assault PhillyClassic3 Self-Published
Vong Self-Published
Eli's Ladder Simage
The Music Machine Sparrow
Bumper BashStandardSpectravision
Challenge of NexarStandardSpectravision
Chase the Chuck WagonStandardSpectravision
China SyndromeStandardSpectravision
Cross ForceStandardSpectravision
Gangster AlleyStandardSpectravision
Gas HogStandardSpectravision
Master BuilderStandardSpectravision
Planet PatrolStandardSpectravision
Donkey Kong Star Game
Communist Mutants from SpaceCassetteStarpath
Escape From the MindmasterCassetteStarpath
Frogger, The OfficialCassetteStarpath
Killer SatellitesCassetteStarpath
Labyrinth Starpath
Party MixCassetteStarpath
Phaser PatrolCassetteStarpath
Rabbit TransitCassetteStarpath
Suicide MissionCassetteStarpath
Survival IslandCassetteStarpath
Sword of SarosCassetteStarpath
Quest for Quintana RooStandardSunrise
Nuts Technovision
Pharaoh's Curse Technovision
Adventures on GX-12SilverTelegames
Bogey BlasterSilverTelegames
Bump 'n' JumpSilverTelegames
Deadly DiscsSilverTelegames
Glacier PatrolSilverTelegames
International SoccerSilverTelegames
Kung Fu SuperkicksSilverTelegames
Lock 'N' ChaseSilverTelegames
Night StalkerSilverTelegames
Quest for Quintana RooSilverTelegames

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