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Atari 2600 Carts

Atari 2600 Cartridge ScansThe Atari 2600 saw more than 500 games released over a period of more than 10 years in North America alone. And of those 500+ games, each title frequently had one or more label variations. That doesn't even take into account the additional hundreds (thousands?) of pirates, clones, and variations found throughout the rest of the world. When you consider all that, the number of different cartridge labels out there is simply staggering.

What we've tried to do is focus on North American games including the major label variations found within. Labels often changed over time as companies developed new logos, newer styles, or they changed their packaging in order to cut costs. We've tried to hit all the highlights, but be sure to contact us if you think we're missing something important.

Some of the label artwork is simply fantastic and it's a shame that the originals are probably long gone. Of special note is some of the artwork from Atari, Sears, Tigervision, and Mythicon. If anyone owns original game artwork, or you know anyone who created original artwork for classic video games, please contact us.

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TitleLabel CompanyProfile
China SyndromeStandardSpectravision
Cross ForceStandardSpectravision
Gangster AlleyStandardSpectravision
Gas HogStandardSpectravision
Master BuilderStandardSpectravision
Planet PatrolStandardSpectravision
Quest for Quintana RooStandardSunrise
King KongStandardTigervision
Miner 2049erStandardTigervision
Miner 2049er IIStandardTigervision
River PatrolStandardTigervision
Rescue Terra IStandardVentureVision
HalloweenStandardWizard Video
Texas Chainsaw MassacreStandardWizard Video
Artillery DuelStandardXonox
Chuck Norris SuperkicksStandardXonox
Ghost ManorStandardXonox
Motocross RacerStandardXonox
Sir LancelotStandardXonox
Spike's PeakStandardXonox
Tomarc the BarbarianStandardXonox
Busy PoliceStandardZellers
Dragon TreasureStandardZellers
Earth AttackStandardZellers
Farmer DanStandardZellers
Inca GoldStandardZellers
Laser VolleyStandardZellers
Ocean City DefenderStandardZellers
Scuba DiverStandardZellers
Sea HawkStandardZellers
Space AdventureStandardZellers
Time WarpStandardZellers
Cosmic CorridorStandardZimag
I Want My MommyStandardZimag
Tanks But No TanksStandardZimag
Spy HunterStandard CaseSega
TapperStandard CaseSega
Up n' DownStandard CaseSega
EggomaniaStandard CaseU.S. Games
GopherStandard CaseU.S. Games
M.A.D.Standard CaseU.S. Games
Name This GameStandard CaseU.S. Games
Raft RiderStandard CaseU.S. Games
Squeeze BoxStandard CaseU.S. Games
Air WolfTaiwan CooperUnknown
Astro WarTaiwan CooperUnknown
BaseballTaiwan CooperUnknown
Bobby is Going HomeTaiwan CooperUnknown
Boom BangTaiwan CooperUnknown
BowlingTaiwan CooperUnknown
BoxingTaiwan CooperUnknown
ChessTaiwan CooperUnknown
Cobra 104Taiwan CooperUnknown
Donkey KongTaiwan CooperUnknown
EnduroTaiwan CooperUnknown
FishingTaiwan CooperUnknown
FootballTaiwan CooperUnknown
Free WayTaiwan CooperUnknown
FroggerTaiwan CooperUnknown
Ice HockeyTaiwan CooperUnknown
King ArthurTaiwan CooperUnknown
MotocrossTaiwan CooperUnknown
MotocrossTaiwan CooperUnknown
Mr. PostmanTaiwan CooperUnknown
Paris AttackTaiwan CooperUnknown
Pele's SoccerTaiwan CooperUnknown
PitfallTaiwan CooperUnknown
PopeyeTaiwan CooperUnknown
Puzzled WorldTaiwan CooperUnknown
S.O.S.Taiwan CooperUnknown
Sea QuestTaiwan CooperUnknown
See SawTaiwan CooperUnknown
Space RobotTaiwan CooperUnknown
Space TunnelTaiwan CooperUnknown
SpiderTaiwan CooperUnknown
Super ManTaiwan CooperUnknown
Tom BoyTaiwan CooperUnknown
Condor AttackTaiwan SimpleUnknown
Cracker PetTaiwan SimpleUnknown
EmdurlTaiwan SimpleUnknown
F18 Vs. AliensTaiwan SimpleUnknown
Fishing DurbiTaiwan SimpleUnknown
PacmanTaiwan SimpleUnknown

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