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Atari 2600 Reviews

Would you like to get some feedback about a particular game before you attempt to hunt it down? Are you curious what others might have said about your favorite game? We've gathered together a large number of links to reviews on other gaming sites and linked them directly to our database. You can browse these reviews by game, website, reviewer and score (click on a column header to sort by that column--click again to reverse the sort). You will also find these reviews linked to each game's profile page, along with an average score for each game.

All review scores have been converted into a 0 - 100% score. While this works well in most cases, a similar score from one site may not always correspond well with the same score on another site. We suggest reading the full review for games you're interested in, instead of relying on the scores alone. If you know of other websites with reviews for Atari games that we have not yet included, please contact us and we'll work on getting them added.

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Title SiteReviewed byScoreProfile
California GamesVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek95%
Canyon BomberGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36555%
Canyon BomberGameFAQsJason Owens70%
Canyon BomberThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage70%
Canyon BomberVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
CarnivalGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36570%
CarnivalVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek82%
CasinoChad Polenz's ProfileChad Polenz60%
CasinoGameFAQsJason Owens80%
CasinoVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek85%
Cat TraxAtariAge StoreKai Kohl40%
Cat TraxAtariAge StoreNathan Strum40%
Cat TraxVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek82%
CentipedeGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36575%
CentipedeGameFAQsJason Owens80%
CentipedePhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green60%
CentipedePlanet Atari (German)Michael Tausendpfund75%
CentipedeRage GamesJay McGavren90%
CentipedeThe Atari TimesEthan C. Nobles95%
CentipedeThe Atari TimesRyan Genno72%
CentipedeTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba78%
CentipedeVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek95%
CentipedeZogging HellUnknown94%
Challenge of NexarThe Atari TimesJess LaFleur48%
Challenge of NexarVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek68%
Championship SoccerVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek65%
Chase the Chuck WagonThe 26 HunterJess Ragan50%
Chase the Chuck WagonVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek68%
CheckersVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek65%
China SyndromeVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek58%
Chopper CommandAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida70%
Chopper CommandGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36567%
Chopper CommandGameFAQsJason Owens50%
Chopper CommandLe geekBen Langberg50%
Chopper CommandOld School Gamer ReviewEric T. Schuetz80%
Chopper CommandPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green60%
Chopper CommandScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
Chopper CommandThe Atari TimesEthan C. Nobles90%
Chopper CommandVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek95%
Chuck Norris SuperkicksVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek75%
Circus AtariAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida90%
Circus AtariGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36566%
Circus AtariGameFAQsJason Owens90%
Circus AtariScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
Circus AtariThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage75%
Circus AtariVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek85%
Climber 5AtariAge StoreRaul Torres100%
Climber 5AtariAge StoreRon Lloyd100%
Climber 5AtariAge StoreStan Dean100%
Climber 5Planet Atari (German)Michael Tausendpfund81%
CoconutsAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida40%
CoconutsThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage58%
CoconutsTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba75%
CoconutsVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
CodebreakerScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson50%
CodebreakerVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek62%
CombatAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
CombatFlying Omelette's KitchenFlying Omelette25%
CombatGameFAQsJason Owens90%
CombatLe geekBen Langberg100%
CombatLee's Peek 'n' PokeLee Bolton--
CombatPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
CombatPlanet Atari (German)Nils Nils84%
CombatThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage85%
CombatVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek85%
Combat TwoAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida--
Combat TwoVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek--
CommandoPlanet Atari (German)Sebastian Patting73%
CommandoRage GamesJay McGavren50%
CommandoTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba82%
CommandoVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek75%
Commando RaidGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36567%
Commando RaidRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Commando RaidVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek75%
Communist Mutants from SpaceThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage88%
Communist Mutants from SpaceVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek88%
Condor AttackTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba78%
Condor AttackVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek58%
Congo BongoAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida40%
Congo BongoPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green20%
Congo BongoRage GamesJay McGavren70%
Congo BongoThe 26 HunterJess Ragan80%
Congo BongoVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
Conquest of MarsAtariAge StoreAce List100%
Conquest of MarsAtariAge StoreGregg Lemke100%
Conquest of MarsAtariAge StoreNathan Strum100%
Conquest of MarsAtariAge StoreShawn Davis100%
Conquest of MarsAtariAge StoreWilliam Potter100%
Conquest of MarsPlanet Atari (German)Michael Tausendpfund81%
Cookie Monster MunchGameFAQsJason Owens70%
Cookie Monster MunchZogging HellUnknown80%
Cosmic ArkGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36578%
Cosmic ArkPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green60%
Cosmic ArkPlanet Atari (German)Michael Tausendpfund74%
Cosmic ArkRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Cosmic ArkScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson90%
Cosmic ArkThe Atari TimesBrian C. Rittmeyer90%
Cosmic ArkThe Onion A.V. ClubWil Wheaton--
Cosmic ArkVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek85%
Cosmic CommuterPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%

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