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Atari 2600 Reviews

Would you like to get some feedback about a particular game before you attempt to hunt it down? Are you curious what others might have said about your favorite game? We've gathered together a large number of links to reviews on other gaming sites and linked them directly to our database. You can browse these reviews by game, website, reviewer and score (click on a column header to sort by that column--click again to reverse the sort). You will also find these reviews linked to each game's profile page, along with an average score for each game.

All review scores have been converted into a 0 - 100% score. While this works well in most cases, a similar score from one site may not always correspond well with the same score on another site. We suggest reading the full review for games you're interested in, instead of relying on the scores alone. If you know of other websites with reviews for Atari games that we have not yet included, please contact us and we'll work on getting them added.

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TitleSite Reviewed byScoreProfile
Spider FighterAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park80%
Snoopy and the Red BaronAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park80%
Sneak n' PeekAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park70%
Riddle of the SphinxAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park70%
Kaboom!Atari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park70%
Fire FlyAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park10%
E.T. The Extra-TerrestrialAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park60%
BoxingAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park70%
BlueprintAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park70%
AdventureAtari 2600 LandfillJoel D. Park90%
Strat-O-Gems DeluxeAtari 2600 LandChris Read100%
AStarAtari 2600 LandChris Read80%
Thrust+ PlatinumArmchair ArcadeBill Loguidice100%
Frogs and Flies2600 ConnectionTim Duarte--
Frogger, The Official2600 ConnectionTim Duarte--
Frogger II: Threeedeep!2600 ConnectionTim Duarte--
Frogger2600 ConnectionTim Duarte--
Cubicolor2600 ConnectionTim Duarte--
Frog Pond2600 ConnectionScott Stilphen--
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back2600 ConnectionMark Androvich--
Star Wars: The Arcade Game2600 ConnectionMark Androvich--
Star Wars: Jedi Arena2600 ConnectionMark Androvich--
Mario Bros.2600 ConnectionDave Giarusso--
Kung Fu Master2600 ConnectionDave Giarusso--
Double Dragon2600 ConnectionDave Giarusso--
Donkey Kong Junior2600 ConnectionDave Giarusso--
Donkey Kong2600 ConnectionDave Giarusso--
Pesco2600 ConnectionAl Backiel--
Fatal Run2600 ConnectionAl Backiel--
Alfred Challenge2600 ConnectionAl Backiel--

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