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Atari 2600 Reviews

Would you like to get some feedback about a particular game before you attempt to hunt it down? Are you curious what others might have said about your favorite game? We've gathered together a large number of links to reviews on other gaming sites and linked them directly to our database. You can browse these reviews by game, website, reviewer and score (click on a column header to sort by that column--click again to reverse the sort). You will also find these reviews linked to each game's profile page, along with an average score for each game.

All review scores have been converted into a 0 - 100% score. While this works well in most cases, a similar score from one site may not always correspond well with the same score on another site. We suggest reading the full review for games you're interested in, instead of relying on the scores alone. If you know of other websites with reviews for Atari games that we have not yet included, please contact us and we'll work on getting them added.

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TitleSiteReviewed byScore Profile
Spider-ManTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba78%
Star Wars: The Arcade GameJoseQ's Emu ViewsCrossbow78%
StargatePlanet Atari (German)Michael Tausendpfund78%
SteeplechaseVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
Super Challenge BaseballVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
SwordfightVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
Tanks But No TanksVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
TennisVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
Towering InfernoTomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba78%
Video PinballVideo Game CriticDavid Mrozek78%
Worm War ITomorrow's HeroesTom Zjaba78%
BowlingThe Atari TimesEthan C. Nobles79%
Frogger II: Threeedeep!Retro ViewJay79%
PopeyeGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36579%
SprintmasterGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36579%
2005 Minigame MulticartAtariAge StoreMike Molero80%
2005 Minigame MulticartAtariAge StoreBrad Barratt80%
3D Tic-Tac-ToePhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
A-VCS-tec ChallengeAtariAge StoreSteve Juon80%
AdventureAtari Gaming HeadquartersAdam King80%
AdventureScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
Air RaidersThe Atari TimesRob Adair80%
Allia QuestAtariAge StoreEthan C. Nobles80%
Allia QuestAtariAge StoreNathan Strum80%
AStarAtari 2600 LandChris Read80%
AStarAtariAge StoreStan Dean80%
AsteroidsPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
AsteroidsRage GamesJay McGavren80%
AstroblastRage GamesJay McGavren80%
AtlantisPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
BackfireAtariAge StoreRichard Gavarian80%
BarnstormingAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
BarnstormingLe geekBen Langberg80%
BeamriderAtari Gaming HeadquartersAdam King80%
BeamriderThe 26 HunterJess Ragan80%
BerzerkAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
BerzerkPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
BLiP FootballAtariAge StoreJohn Champeau80%
BoxingRage GamesJay McGavren80%
BreakoutGame Freaks 365Martin @ Game Freaks 36580%
BreakoutPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
BreakoutRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Bumper BashCVG NexusFrank Traut80%
CasinoGameFAQsJason Owens80%
CentipedeGameFAQsJason Owens80%
Chopper CommandOld School Gamer ReviewEric T. Schuetz80%
Chopper CommandScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
Circus AtariScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
CombatAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
CombatPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Commando RaidRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Congo BongoThe 26 HunterJess Ragan80%
Cookie Monster MunchZogging HellUnknown80%
Cosmic ArkRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Cosmic CommuterPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
CrackpotsPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Crash DiveThe Atari TimesLee & Lori Krueger80%
Crazy BalloonAtariAge StoreNathan Strum80%
Dark CavernPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Dark MageAtariAge StoreBen Langberg80%
DefenderRage GamesJay McGavren80%
DefenderThe Atari TimesEthan C. Nobles80%
Demon AttackGameFAQsJason Owens80%
Dodge 'EmAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
DolphinAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
Donkey KongGamer Nation UKMichael Claffey80%
Double DragonThe Atari TimesBrendan Onfrichuk80%
EnduroPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
EnduroRage GamesJay McGavren80%
FireballAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
Fishing DerbyAtari Gaming HeadquartersKeita Iida80%
Fishing DerbyRage GamesJay McGavren80%
FootballGameFAQsJason Owens80%
FreewayGameFAQsJason Owens80%
FreewayRage GamesJay McGavren80%
FroggerChad Polenz's ProfileChad Polenz80%
Frogs and FliesRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Front LinePhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
GalaxianRage GamesJay McGavren80%
GarfieldPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
GhostbustersPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Go Fish!AtariAge StoreRaul Torres80%
Go Fish!AtariAge StoreStan Dean80%
Go Fish!AtariAge StoreBrian C. Rittmeyer80%
Grand PrixRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Haunted HouseLee's Peek 'n' PokeLee Bolton80%
Hunt & ScoreGameFAQsJason Owens80%
InfiltrateRage GamesJay McGavren80%
JawbreakerPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
JawbreakerThe Atari TimesDarryl Brundage80%
Journey EscapeRage GamesJay McGavren80%
JoustPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
JoustThe Atari TimesDan Loosen80%
Jr. Pac-ManPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Jr. Pac-ManScott's Vintage Video Game RevivalScott Anderson80%
Kaboom!GameFAQsJason Owens80%
Kaboom!The Atari TimesDarryl Brundage80%
Keystone KapersPhosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%
Keystone KapersRage GamesJay McGavren80%
Mario Bros.Phosphor Dot FossilsEarl Green80%

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